Zootopia (2016)

Zootopia (2016)

Written by Jared Bush & Phil Johnston

Directed by Byron Howard & Rich Moore

When I first heard about this film, it didn’t sound like a great idea. I can’t put my finger on it, but something about it just seemed...dull. Unimaginative. I’m glad that I was wrong.

Judy Hopps, on the case!

Judy Hopps, on the case!

In retrospect, the concept of the film (a world of animals, for animals, by animals), is a natural extension of the ideas presented in the earlier Disney films, like Robin Hood. Unlike those other films, however, Zootopia enjoys showing us our society, but with animals. It’s highly imaginative, and also doesn’t just rely on that to tell its story.

Officer Clawhauser

Officer Clawhauser

The characters in the film are great (although, I do think Nick begins to border on grating, but I think that’s more because of Jason Bateman’s performance than the writing). Judy Hopps is instantly likable, and her character effortlessly carries the film, even when she’s in the wrong. Also, while it isn’t explicitly stated, it’s highly likely that this film features Disney’s first LGBT animated principle character, in Officer Clawhauser (there are always arguments for other, earlier characters, but I think none have been as explicit as it is here, as un-explicit as it is, if that makes sense).


Judy and Nick at the DMV

The plot is an interesting look at inner natures, but it falters at the end. The whole film preaches a message of equality, but when it turns out that a “prey” animal is behind the making of “predator” animals going savage, it clouds the message. It just feels like the film is simply trying too hard: it’s trying too hard to have a twist, it’s trying too hard to strike an emotional chord. It knows how successful the films that preceded it were, and desperately wants to be The Next One. And, in doing so, gets so wrapped up in itself that it doesn’t get there.

None of that is to say that I didn’t like it; I did. It’s an enjoyable film, but I credit nearly all of that to Ginnifer Goodwin’s performance as Hopps. Her character is a breath of fresh air, and definitely saves this film from getting a lower grade.


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